Amy Croft


Amy Croft
Curriculum Vitae

0044(0)7410 546 556

Leverhulme Artist-in-Residence at The Interactive Architecture Lab, UCL Bartlett, London.
February-November 2017



Screening at Chantal Akerman Day organised by A Nos Amours Guest Speakers including Chantal Akerman, Professor Griselda Pollock (Professor of the Social & Critical Histories of Art, University of Leeds); Dr Alison Rowley (Reader in Cultural Theory, University of Huddersfield), Dr Muriel Tinel-Temple (Birkbeck College) and Sarah Pucill (artist, film-maker, photographer).

to take a landscape from group exhibition curated by Yuki Higashino und Elisabeth Kihlström, June -August 2014.
Including works by Martin Beck, Hannes Böck, Amy Croft, Yuki Higashino & Elisabeth Kihlström, Joan Jonas, Michael Part and Joyce Wieland.
Neue Galerie, Innsbruck

Points of Contact group exhibition curated by Zoe Schoenherr and Alex Ball, March 2014 No Format Gallery, London

Luster, December 2013, Schneiderei, Vienna
U N C L E A R, June 2013, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (Diploma exhibition)
A Fog, January 2013, Legion TV, London

Afternoon Train Screening and Workshop at Cinematheque de Tanger, Tangier, Morocco
In 2025 We Could Own the Weather, Rundgang, Akademie der
bildenden kunste, Vienna

up there down there, (solo) Kuenstlerhaus, Vienna, 2011
BAND, Rundgang, IKL, Akademie der bildenden kunste,

BAND, Fluc Wanne, Wien
Rundgang, Akademie der bildenden kunste, Wien
Amy Croft & Demoraum Akademie Wien, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz
Demonstrationsraum, Aula, Akademie der bildenden kunste, Wien.
Curator in residence 2009-10 Sören Grammel

Made in the Dark Haus der Architektur, Graz,
This is the Front Room The Elephant in the Corner at Madamme Lillies, London

Brickmanship Independents as part of Liverpool Biennale, Liverpool
Needle Drops and Invited Posters, Parade, London

Open Doors D.U.M.B.O Art Under the Bridge Festival, New York
Put Into Play by Them, at Play Within Them Graduate Exhibition, Wimbledon School of Art, London

DingeKunst KunstKlub, Berlin
The Interventor Wimbledon School of Art, London
Counter Selfridges, London


2009 – 2013
Studium Performative Kunst, Installation & Skulptur, Prof. Monica Bonvicini
Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Vienna, Austria

2003 – 2006
BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting, First Class Degree
Wimbledon School of Art, London
Dissertation title Where is the Wrong Place? A discussion of how artists use place to position themselves in The Wrong Place.

2002 - 2003
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
Norwich School of Art and Design, Norwich


May - September 2012
Residency in Marrakech, Morocco
Awarded by Dar Al-Ma' mûn, Centre International de Résidences Artistiques, Fondation Dar Al-Ma' mûn, Marrakech.

March - June 2009
Residency in Graz, Austria
Awarded by Haus der Architektur and Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes.

September 2006
Triangle Artists Workshop, Brooklyn, New York

Barbara Kapusta on Amy Croft at the Kuenstlerhaus Vienna
Barbara Kapusta ‘This is Tomorrow’, 2011

Svoboda Ivan ‘artycok tv’, 2011

The Band Members and the Band
Martin Beck, lecture given at the International Symposia 'Exhibition as the Artistic Medium, Curator of Contemporary Art as the Artist. The Changing Statuses of the Exhibition and the Curator in the Field of Contemporary Art' produced by Igor Zabel Association for culture and theory, Ljubljana, October 2010.
Subsequently published on, 2012

This is the Front Room, Edited by Gemma Sharpe and published by Interval Publishing.ISBN: 978-0-9563115-0-4


A collective of four artists formed in early 2010.

BAND pushes the limits of form production through a body of work which stimulates all the senses. BAND is interested in what form collectivity can take as well as the inner working processes of groups. This has led us to treat our material in a particular way, using content to produce form and vice-versa. The material we incorporate into this process is far reaching, ranging from Set Theory, to Slash’s autobiography or from Group Materials’ meeting minutes to Erving Goffmans analysis of the performative in everyday situations.

Alongside this, we have come to embody both on and off stage the very content we began with: we are famous, glamourous artists and when we sneeze, hits come out.

Find documentation of our first exhibition at Fluc Wanne here

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